Social Sciences
In terms of content, the Social Sciences curriculum introduces students to a range of topics essential to understanding themselves as Muslims in today’s world. We explore our own cultures, the history of the Muslim world and it’s interactions with the other: our relationship with the cultures and values of other religions and their civilisations, the history of colonialism, our role and the effect on us of the two world wars, and the Palestinian issue.
In terms of skill the students will learn the skill of socratic discussion, close, critical reading, analytical writing, and the skills of source evaluation. They will learn comparative thinking, and in particular, the ability to bring their understanding of Islam to bear on the problems of their time, and the ideas and practices of the modern world. In this will they will be equipped to draw benefit from their experiences past high school in a critical and intelligent fashion, and to make rich and relevant contributions to the world they navigate.
World Cultures and Geography
The purpose of this course is to provide each student with a holistic understanding of our world. By exploring each region's history, culture, physical geography, and current conditions, students will be exposed to the unique traits that characterize each region. This course centers around the physical processes that shape patterns in the physical environment. These characteristics range from the major landforms, climates, and ecosystems. Students will also analyze the interrelationships between political, social, and economic processes that shape the cultural patterns of each region. This course will enable students to do the following: Students will understand the physical and cultural geography of different countries around the world. Students will understand the political, social, and economic geography of different countries around the world. Students will comprehend and apply key geographic themes, such as location, place, region, movement, and human-environment interaction. Students will read global texts and judge the content of said text. Students will learn how to write academically rigorous papers. Students will be able to analyze the importance of human-environmental interaction and its impact on current events. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to have each student be more aware of the world they live in by humanizing its inhabitants and their circumstances.
U.S Government & Civics
This course is meant to prepare students to become active citizens in their community and the larger society. By understanding the fundamentals of the U.S government's three branches, the executive, judicial and legislative, and the need for civic engagement, students will have the foundational knowledge and competency to succeed. This course will enable students to do the following: Students will critically analyze relevant theories and concepts while developing their connections to make the curriculum relevant to current events and their own lived experiences. Students will gain a stronger understanding of the foundations of the U.S political system and understand how the government established by the Constitution derives its purpose, values, and principles. Students will understand the Supreme Court's foundation as a law-bearing body and the various political ideologies of the Supreme Court Justices. Students will be able to analyze and interpret various events and documents that correspond with government students' branches and will identify their roles in civic life, politics, and government. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to have each student understand the utility and purpose of the three branches of the U.S. government in their lives.
World History in the Modern World
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the tools necessary to grasp theory related to history and, more broadly, ideas about Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, and Orientalism. In this case, the tools necessary are the critical thinking and analytical skills, conceptual knowledge, and historical themes that make up modern contemporary history. This course will enable the student to do the following: Students will understand theory-heavy ideas pertaining to economics, society, race, and religion. Students will understand the political, social, and economic geography of different countries around the world. Students will be able to analyze primary and secondary sources within the context of history and make a judgment on the text. Students will gain global insight into the world and make connections between their circumstances as Muslims in America to the global circumstances of other peoples. Students will be able to use their analytical skills of evaluation, cause, and effect, compare and contrast to comprehend key figures, events, and themes in global history. Students will find personal relevance to the content presented throughout the course. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to have each student understand how history came to be determined as it is today and be able to parse out where Islam and Muslims fit into that wider scope. Students will also be armed with the tools of introspection, critical thinking, and creative writing in order to make distinctions between what they have been told and what happened in history.
This course will explore basic microeconomic concepts such as opportunity cost, comparative advantage, supply and demand, and the production possibilities frontier. It will then use these concepts to discuss global political-economic issues and constructs, such as globalization, capitalism, and socialism. Finally, the course will then cover financial literacy, going over topics such as debt, insurance, and taxes. This course aims to give students a comprehensive understanding of the principles of economics that apply to the functions of both consumers and producers within the economic system. Students will explore the functions of product markets, including the study of factor markets and the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy.
This course will enable students to:
- Understand how consumers and businesses make economic changes
- Develop analytical techniques to comprehend how consumers maximize their well-being and how businesses maximize their profits
- Understand the effects of various market structures
- Develop problem-solving skills to understand the political and economic issues within the U.S. economic system
- Learn to create, analyze and/or draw conclusions from graphs, statistics, equations, and other complex representations of economic phenomena.