English Language Arts
Introductory Elements of Literature
The Freshman English course at Averroes High School is creative, collaborative, and challenging. Students entering the ninth grade at Averroes High School are expected to have a foundation in literary elements to supplement their coursework within each unit. With this foundation, the students will begin to analyze literature from various angles, practicing the art of applying historical context to develop connections between literature and the arts. The chosen texts will provide an overview of literature across the major forms and genres, including short stories, novels, poetry, drama, epic poetry, and literary non-fiction. During this course, students will begin to distinguish and assess each academic tool presented within the literature. In introductory seminars, the students will also engage in research and reflection, and discussion amongst peers. In addition to writing and developing their writing on select works, students will read and deliver poetry paying close attention to their expression and use of language. At the end of ninth grade, students will be prepared for literary study and world literature in tenth grade.
Cross-Cultural Analysis
ELA II The Sophomore English course at Averroes High School is designed to strengthen each student's language and composition skills, including vocabulary and concept development. Writing will be taught as a process with instruction in each stage: pre-writing, drafting, sharing, revising, and evaluation. Assignments will stress the concepts of unity, coherence, logical development, and appropriate diction. The writing component includes expository forms such as reflection, speculation, interpretation, and persuasion. The literature component further develops analytical and reading comprehension skills in the different genres: novel, drama, poetry, short story, and non-fiction. Students will begin to strengthen their listening and speaking skills, delivering oral reports, and evaluating oral and media communications. In addition, they will analyze the structure and form of workplace documents to begin college and career readiness preparation.
Modern Literary Genres
The Junior English course at Averroes High School is essential in providing the foundation for advanced English studies. This course examines and refines the writing process for narrative, argument, synthesis, and analysis writing. Students will read various historical drama texts focusing on the development and progress of the 'American Dream.' Additionally, students will acquire new vocabulary and grammar skills in preparation for standardized college admissions tests and academic writing. The ultimate goal of this course is to hone students' reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, all of which are essential to achieve college and career readiness.
World Literature
The Senior English Literature and Composition course at Averroes High School is designed to challenge your skills as an active reader, writer, and thinker. The literary works involved in this course will cover a range of periods (i.e., 1600's to contemporary), genres (i.e., novels, non-fiction, epic poetry), style, and themes. Each piece of work may or may not be "easy" to read, but through careful study, students can be sure to gain an appreciation and deep understanding of the texts and a broader perspective on the world of literature. In addition, this course will study the formation and shift of Old English to Modern English more relative today. The emphasis for the course will be on class discussions, for such discourses drive both our interest and desire for self-improvement.