Our Science curriculum incorporates a learning style that attempts to teach science in a holistic, three-dimensional manner. We aim to illustrate crosscutting concepts by connecting the primary domains of scientific study. We instill the ideas of science and engineering practice by showing how scientists observe the world and engineers plan and build. Finally, we try to teach the core concepts of each discipline to understand the importance of each discipline in our daily lives. Together, these three dimensions serve to guide the growth of each student as they become more critically minded individuals.
Prerequisite: Geometry
This course will help students appreciate the role of physics in everyday lives. Topics covered in this course are the description of motion (position, velocity, acceleration), explanation of motion using forces and Newton’s laws, momentum and energy, and description and explanation of motion in a circle, thermodynamics, light, and sound.
The Physics course is also a lab course, which seeks to develop the students’ inquiry skills. Students will formulate questions, plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data, apply mathematics to tangible situations, construct explanations, make evidence-based arguments, and communicate information to peers and experts.
Prerequisite: Geometry and Physics
The purpose of this course is two-fold. The focus is on concepts and applications of chemistry as well as on critical thinking and analytic skills. Through experimentation, students will have opportunities to investigate and apply the concept of particle nature of matter towards everyday phenomena. Concepts of physical properties, chemical properties, atomic and molecular structure, bonding, chemical composition, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, solutions, acids and bases, nuclear chemistry are all built upon the fundamental idea of the particle nature of matter within the course. Projects are integrated into the course such that it provides a comprehensive and holistic learning experience for students.
Prerequisite: Chemistry
The focus of this course is to explore Biological systems and processes. The structure of matter, the chemical composition of living organisms, chemical reactions within living organisms that are essential for life are core concepts covered in this course. The study of photosynthesis and cellular respiration at the molecular level help students gain an appreciation for the processes that are perpetual in nature but at the same time are fragile and need protection from the indiscriminate exploitation by humans. Through the study of human physiology, students will research and experiment with making healthy choices within their lives and document this knowledge and share it with the greater community through social media. Students will take on the task of educating the general public about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise as well as the harmful effects of certain lifestyle choices.
AP Chemistry
This course is designed to cover the material and teach the skills typically taught in a first-year college chemistry course. This course is designed for students who have already been exposed to basic ideas in chemistry in a general high school chemistry class. This course meets three times a week in 85 minute block periods. Students will conduct in-class laboratory experiments between once a week and once every two weeks, depending on the unit, to ensure that at least 25% of class time is spent on investigative laboratory work. This course follows the six big ideas outlined by the AP college chemistry curriculum framework: (1) Structure of matter, (2) Properties of matter-characteristics, states, and forces of attraction, (3) Chemical reactions, (4) Rates of chemical reactions, (5) Thermodynamics, (6) Equilibrium.
AP Biology
The AP Biology course is the equivalent of the first two semesters of introductory college biology. It is intended to prepare students for later success in sequent college biology courses. The curriculum provides a basis for students to develop a strong conceptual understanding of biology and the opportunity to integrate that knowledge through inquiry-based activities and laboratory investigations. The AP Biology curriculum is structured around four Big Ideas: Evolution, Energy Processes, Information, and Interactions. These ideas encompass the core principles and theories of all living systems.