Algebra I
The Algebra I course is where students will learn to reason logically and symbolically. The critical content involves writing, solving, and graphing linear and quadratic equations, including systems of two linear equations with more than one unknown. In this course, quadratic equations are solved by factoring, completing the square graphically, or applying the quadratic formula. The roots of the quadratic equations are represented graphically and algebraically as solutions. The course also includes monomial and polynomial expressions, inequalities, exponents, functions, rational expressions, ratio, and proportion. Algebraic skills are applied in a wide variety of problem-solving situations. This course motivates the application of algebraic skills to reason logically and symbolically in a quest to solve real-world scenarios and problems.
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Geometry is an in-depth study of geometric concepts such as reasoning and proof, angle relationships, parallel lines, coordinate proof, triangles, polygons, congruence, similarity, quadrilaterals, right triangles and trigonometry, 2-dimensional figures, 3-dimensional solids, circles, transformations, and geometric probability.
Algebra I/Geometry Integrated
Prerequisite: Algebra I
This course integrates the principles of both Algebra 1 and Geometry. The course begins with a review of algebraic relationships and concepts, which are the foundation of all higher-level mathematics. These algebra concepts are then applied to the study of geometric topics such as triangles, circles, angles, congruence, and proofs. This class is taught as an inquiry-based course in which students use models to explore geometric relationships and derive formulas.
Algebra ll
Algebra 2 aims to apply and extend what students have learned in previous courses by focusing on finding connections between multiple representations of functions, transformations of different function families, finding zeros of polynomials and connecting them to graphs and equations of polynomials, modeling periodic phenomena with trigonometry, and understanding the role of randomness and the normal distribution in making statistical conclusions.
In addition to covering all of the key concepts found in traditional trigonometry, pre-calculus, or math analysis courses, this course emphasizes several big ideas that form a foundation for calculus and other college mathematics curricula. The course is organized around rich, meaningful daily problems and investigations that lead to a deep conceptual understanding of the underlying mathematics in a very deliberate and purposeful structure. Daily work consists of inquiry, as opposed to teacher transmission of procedure that is followed by rote practice and memorization. The emphasis of the course is on reasoning, critical analysis, mathematical modeling, and gathering evidence; students are active participants in their learning. The Pre-Calculus curriculum will focus on the following content areas: Transformations of functions, Periodic functions and their graphs, Conic sections, Exponential and Logarithmic equations, and models, Limits to infinity and at a point, Polar and Parametric coordinate systems and Vectors and trigonometric functions.
AP Calculus
This course is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of Calculus and lay the foundations for higher-level mathematics. This course will provide students with a strong sense of how mathematics works rather than how to solve an individual problem. Students first explore a mathematical problem, are then guided to use their existing knowledge to derive processes from solving the problem, and finally presented with mathematical theorems that can be universally applied. This methodology allows students to discover new concepts in a way that makes sense to them. They will then be able to know when and where to apply a particular concept. The primary topics of this course are limits, derivatives, integrals, and their respective applications.